Scott's : Breaking News

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June 05, 2008 Breaking News

'Net traffic: Knowing what we don’t know - Network World

Thu, 05 Jun 2008 07:19:41 PDT
Determining how fast the Internet is growing is almost a parlor game among pundits these days. Part of the reason is simple practicality: Companies that depend for their livelihoods on supplying or using Internet infrastructure want to better understand growth trends so they can plan investments and growth curves accurately.

Why choose CakePHP over other MVC frameworks?

Thu, 05 Jun 2008 07:37:43 PDT
this article will help you decide which MVC framework (in PHP) to choose for developing your applications. it also shows the 'google search trend' of the top four MVC frameworks.

Marc Jacobs doesnt give up on Harem Pants.

Thu, 05 Jun 2008 07:50:53 PDT
You insist on bringing back the Harem pants over and over again, even though the trend doesn't catch on outside the runway. Even your new BFF fashion forward Victoria Beckham doesn't wear these. Yet you included them once again in your latest Resort 2009 collection.

Datran Media Executives Hit the Summer Speaking Circuit to Share Online Marketing Trends and Case Studies (Marketwire via Yahoo! Finance)

Thu, 05 Jun 2008 07:54:00 PDT
Datran Media, a leading online marketing company, today announced that its General Manager of Datran Direct, Michael Bloom, and General Manager of Emerging Media, Joshua Baer, will speak at two industry events this month. During his presentation at the upcoming DM Days event in New York, NY, June 10-12, 2008, Bloom will update attendees on ten of the hottest trends impacting the direct mail and ...

Take a Honeymoon Later to Save!

Thu, 05 Jun 2008 08:06:24 PDT
Are you assuming that your honeymoon begins the day after your wedding? A lot of people assume that it does, and they make plans to take off for that exotic resort early the day after they take their vows. But there is a new trend developing among newlyweds these days when the honeymoon is planned for some time down the road.

8 volunteer vacations (

Thu, 05 Jun 2008 08:24:50 PDT
Volunteer vacations are one of the biggest trends in travel. If you've never really considered going on one, these volunteers' stories might just change your mind.

A preview of whats coming up at Marks and Spencer

Thu, 05 Jun 2008 08:28:39 PDT
I love these cushions - great to know the up coming trends

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